Currency exchange rate company 07.05.2024
1 USD = 94,8 RUB
1 EUR = 101,6 RUB
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 7pm


Mary is a city in the south of Turkmenistan.

The third largest city of Turkmenistan, Mary, is located in a large oasis in the middle of the Karakum sands in the Murghab delta. Mary was founded in Mary1884 as a Russian military-administrative center 30 kilometers from ancient Merv (by the way, until 1937 it was Mary who was called Merv). Now it is the largest center of a rich cotton-growing region, a major transportation hub and the main center of the country's gas industry, the main source of income for Turkmenistan. The city is interested in the Museum of History with an extensive collection of archaeological finds, Turkmen carpets, national dress, silver and excellent embroidered garments of various local tribes. Also, local history and ethnographic expositions deserve attention. The developed infrastructure of the city makes it one of the most important economic centers of Turkmenistan (GRES, Chem. Plants, Cotton Cleaning Plant, and much more).

The Mary region is one of the largest regions in terms of population in Turkmenistan (about 1 million people).

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