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Visa to Uzbekistan

Make a request for a visa

No Need Visa

For citizens of the following countries, the established visa-free entry regime for up to 60 days:

Armenia Georgia Moldova
Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Russia
Belarus Kyrgyzstan Ukraine


For citizens of the following states, a visa-free regime is established for up to 30 days:

France Japan Turkey
Indonesia Malaysia Republice Korea
Israel Singapore

Entry into the country is carried out with a passport. Upon arrival at the place of stay, foreign citizens must arrange registration within 3 days, excluding holidays and weekends. For hotel stays, check-in is done automatically by hotel staff.

For holders of diplomatic passports of such countries as Hungary, China and Tajikistan (up to 30 days), Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (up to 60 days), Brazil, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Estonia, Kuwait and Turkey (up to 90 days ) also set visa free

For Which Countries Does the Simplified Visa Procedure Apply

To Citizens of countries from the list below provide a tourist visa on the basis of a personal appeal to the consular offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan (without invitation and / or visa support).

The citizens of Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Malaysia, Thailand, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland and Japan can obtain visa to Uzbekistan without preliminary issuance of the visa invitation by the inviting party from Uzbekistan (in our case, by travel agency). The citizens of listed countries can obtain visa at the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the country of their residence during 2 working days.

Albania Hungary Oman
Andorra India Poland
Australia Ireland Portugal
Austria Islandia Romania
Belgium Italy Saudi Arabia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kuwait Serbia
Bulgaria Latvia Slovakia
Canada Liechtenstein Slovenia
CHINA + HONG KONG Lithuania Spain
Croatia Luxembourg San-Marino
Czech Republic Macedonia Sweden
Denmark Malta Switzerland
England Monaсo Thailand
Estonia Montenegro UAE
Finland Netherlands USA
Germany New Zealand Vatican City
Greece Norway  

Electronic visa to Uzbekistan

From July 15, 2018, tourists from the list of countries below can independently issue an electronic visa to Uzbekistan on the state portal At the same time, obtaining visa support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and visiting diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan abroad are not required.

The electronic visa entitles you to enter Uzbekistan once for up to 30 days. The visa is valid for 90 days from the date of issue. Through the portal can only be issued a tourist e-visa.

The fee for issuing an e-visa to Uzbekistan is $ 20, payment is made through the VISA payment system. Apply for registration of an e-visa to the portal should be at least 3 working days before the start of the trip to Uzbekistan, because The term for consideration of the application is 2 business days, not counting the day of submission.

The electronic visa is valid only upon presentation of the passport for which it was issued.

Who can apply for an e-visa to Uzbekistan?

Citizens of the following countries can apply for a tourist e-visa to Uzbekistan:

Albania Hungary Oman
Andorra India Poland
Australia Ireland Portugal
Austria Islandia Romania
Belgium Italy Saudi Arabia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kuwait Serbia
Bulgaria Latvia Slovakia
Canada Liechtenstein Slovenia
CHINA + HONG KONG Lithuania Spain
Croatia Luxembourg San-Marino
Czech Republic Macedonia Sweden
Denmark Malta Switzerland
England Monaсo Thailand
Estonia Montenegro UAE
Finland Netherlands USA
Germany New Zealand Vatican City
Greece Norway  

How you can get an electronic visa

Electronic visa is issued on the state portal E-Visa

  1. The applicant must carefully fill out the questionnaire, attaching his photo (size 35x40 mm, quality 300 dpi, face takes 70-80% of the frame, plain light background) and scanned copy of the international passport (clear image, file size not more than 500 Kb). The form must be filled in correctly, without errors, in full accordance with a valid document (passport), on the basis of which the tourist makes his entry into Uzbekistan. The applicant is responsible for providing accurate information about himself.
  2. After filling in the questionnaire, a letter confirming the application, the application code and the activation link will be sent to the specified e-mail. Ordering code when paying for 20 euros. After payment, another letter will arrive in the mail with a message about the successful receipt of the application.
  3. The period for consideration of an application for obtaining an e-visa to Uzbekistan takes 2 working days (not counting the day of application). After that, an e-mail will receive a letter with an e-visa in PDF format, if a positive response was received on this appeal. Electronic visa can be printed or saved to your phone.
  4. In case of refusal, a connection will arrive at the post office, and the paid fee will not be refunded.

Who needs a visa to Uzbekistan

Foreign citizens of all other countries must first obtain an entry visa to Uzbekistan.

Getting a tourist visa to Uzbekistan consists of two stages:

  1. Obtaining visa support (permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan).
  2. Obtaining a visa at the Embassy or Consulate of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in exceptional cases obtaining a visa at the airport.

The maximum validity of a tourist visa to Uzbekistan is 30 days.

Citizens of all other countries can get visa to Uzbekistan only on the basis of preliminary issued visa invitation. The visa invitation is being issued by our company on the basis of the following documents of yours:

  • filled-in application form (sample of the application form is being send beforehand);
  • scanned copy of your passport of good quality;
  • employment verification letter;
  • scanned copy of international flights’ tickets or official information on the flights’ reservation.

After receiving these documents we apply to the MFA of Uzbekistan for visa invitation issuance for our tourists. The process of visa invitation issuance takes 7-10 working days. On the basis of the visa invitation a tourist can get visa at the embassy of Uzbekistan in his/her country of residence (or in another country, where there is our embassy). If in the country of tourist’s residence there is no Uzbekistan Embassy, he/she can obtain Uzbek visa at the Uzbekistan in any other country (where it is located) or at the consular department of Tashkent airport on arrival.

Uzbekistan visa invitation – 65 USD per person.

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