Currency exchange rate company 04.03.2025
1 USD = 92,1692 RUB
1 EUR = 96,73 RUB
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 7pm

The Sadriddin Aini Culture and Recreation Park

The Sadriddin Aini Culture and Recreation Park is located in the northern part of the city of Dushanbe, at the end of the city’s main thoroughfare - Rudaki Avenue.Sadriddin Aini Culture and Recreation Park The total area of the park is 6 hectares. In the area of the park are local attractions such as the Aqueduct and the reservoir near the water pumping station. The design of the park was carried out by the creative team of the architects of the Institute “Tajikgiprostroy” in 1958. On the elevated place in the center of the park above the grave of Sadriddin Aini, under the vaults of grape vines, the white marble mausoleum took the place, a picturesque terrace leads to it. The mausoleum was established in honor of the founder of Tajik literature. At the foot of the monument are always fresh flowers.

On the territory of the park, various trees, vineyards, bushes and flowers are planted. There are numerous small architectural forms, a fountain, benches and gazebos. In the 1980s, the park was reconstructed, during which its infrastructure was renovated. The park is a favorite place for recreation of citizens and guests of the city. It differs from other parks of the city in a unique comfort, which is created by perennial trees harboring their crown from the summer heat.

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