Currency exchange rate company 26.04.2024
1 USD = 95,3 RUB
1 EUR = 101,85 RUB
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 7pm

Отели в Tajikistan Tour Program

(5*) Hotel (Tajikistan)

Tajikistan tour program
Имя Days/Nights Departure (month-day) Cost
Tour Ancient and modern Dushanbe 4/3 Regular flights от 395 $
( цена:37644 RUB)

(4*) Hotel (Tajikistan)

Tajikistan tour program
Имя Days/Nights Departure (month-day) Cost
Tour Ancient and modern Dushanbe 4/3 Regular flights от 395 $
( цена:37644 RUB)

(3*) Hotel (Tajikistan)

Tajikistan tour program
Имя Days/Nights Departure (month-day) Cost
Tour Ancient and modern Dushanbe 4/3 Regular flights от 395 $
( цена:37644 RUB)
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