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Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 7pm

Tour Small "Golden Ring" and its attractions

  • Продолжительность: 8/7
  • Countries: Russia
  • Type of flight: Extra charge
  • Visa: Individual visa / Group visa
  • Depature data: Regular programs

    Code of the program: TST-MCK-Golden Ring-D09

    ATTENTION! The cost per person in the room based on double occupancy (1/2 DBL)
    DBL - cost per person in double room
    SGL - cost per person in single room
    EXB - the cost of an extra bed in the room


    Hotel / Room
    • Accommodation in Moscow & Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl-Zalesskiy;
    • Meals according to the program (breakfast, lunch, dinner);
    • English-speaking guide;
    • Transportation according to the program;
    • Tickets in museum.
    • Flights;
    • Visa support;
    • Insurance;
    • Additional excursions;
    • Tips for guide and driver.
    Day City Program
    Day 1 Moscow

    Meeting with guide and driver in the airport.

    Transfer to the hotel. Check-In.

    Dinner at the hotel.

    Day 2 Vladimir


    After Breakfast, meeting with quide at the hall of the hotel and departure on a tour Golden Ring.

    We're going to Vladimir – one of the most ancient cities of Russia with a huge number of attractions, was founded in 990. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich on the bank of the Klyazma River. This is a famous tourist center – the first great principality of Russia and the first capital of north-eastern Russia. Arriving in the city.

    Lunch in the city cafe.

    Excursion in Vladimir. During the tour of the historic center, you will get acquainted with the architectural ensemble of the Cathedral Square, walk along the Pushkin Park to the observation deck, on which the monument to Prince Vladimir "Red Sun" is set to Saint and Saint Fyodor. The city has unique historical and architectural monuments of the 12th century: the Assumption Cathedral with fragments of Andrei Rublev’s frescoes, Dmitrievsky Cathedral and the Golden Gate. Visit the Museum of Crystal and Lacquer Miniatures, or visit the “Old Vladimir” exposition located in the former water tower.


    Departure to Bogolyubovo (7 km from Vladimir).

    Guided walk through the meadow to the famous Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. It was built in 1165. According to the order of Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky. This temple is considered to be a unique creation of the architecture of the Russian people of the pre-Mongol period. Excursion to the Bogolyubsky monastery (the former residence of Andrei Bogolyubsky).

    Departure to Suzdal.

    Suzdal is one of the most beautiful ancient Russian cities. Suzdal is the only Museum City in Russia: more than 300 monuments are concentrated in the city, which have become the cultural heritage of not only Russia, but also of world culture. The Pokrovsky Monastery, the Suzdal Kremlin, the Virgin-Nativity Cathedral and the Pushkarskaya Sloboda are considered the most interesting to visit.

    Dinner in the city cafe.

    Arrival at the hotel. Check-in at hotel.

    Day 3 Suzdal

    Breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

    During a sightseeing tour of Suzdal, you will visit the famous Suzdal Kremlin, visit the oldest temple of Suzdal – the Nativity Cathedral, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

    It contains the true pearl of Russian applied art, the 13th century golden gate, made in a rare technique of “fire gilding.” Visit the Bishops' Chambers (15-17th centuries) – an ensemble of stone buildings, formed over 200 years. The center of the ensemble is a huge bespolpnaya Krestovaya Chamber – one of the recognized architectural wonders of Suzdal. You will visit the Savior Euthymius monastery, where you will hear a concert of bells and the Museum of Wooden Architecture in Suzdal. The museum of wooden architecture is an open-air complex, where unique buildings of 17-19 centuries are collected, here you can look into the hut of a simple farm laborer and a wealthy peasant, become a guest of a merchant's house and at the same time visit two churches built, incidentally, without a single nail.

    Lunch in the city cafe.

    Free time.

    Return to the hotel.

    Dinner in the hotel restaurant.

    Day 4 Kostroma

    Breakfast at the hotel.

    Departure to Kostroma. Kostroma is rightly called the brightest example of provincial classicism, preserved to this day.

    During a sightseeing tour of Kostroma, you will see the magnificent Epiphany-Anastasiin monastery, the richest in its history Ipatiev Monastery with the Trinity Cathedral, the ensemble of the Shopping Rows, Gostiny Dvor, Fire Tower, the Nobiliary Assembly, cozy provincial streets in various architectural styles and solutions, which Russian kings admired.

    Lunch in the restaurant / cafe of the city.

    Departure to Yaroslavl.

    Arrival at the hotel, accommodation.


    Day 5 Yaroslavl


    Excursion to the historical center of Yaroslavl, where unique monuments of Yaroslavl architecture of 16-19 centuries have been preserved.

    The city was founded by Prince Yaroslav in a strategically important place for the country – at the confluence of two full-flowing rivers – the Kotorosl and the Volga. The need to build a settlement here was due to convenience – the waterways were able to receive a large amount of cargo every day. According to the legend, the powerful bear tried to prevent the ruler, but the prince killed her in a fight and now the image of the animal is on the arms of Yaroslavl. You see the main memorable places of the city: Volzhskaya Embankment and Strelka, Theater Square and the administrative center of the city (from 18th century – Ilinskaya Square), the great heritage of the “Golden Age” of Yaroslavl – 17th century temples (Elias the Prophet, Nikola Chopped, Savior-on-City).

    Lunch in the restaurant of the city.

    After lunch you will visit the revived Assumption Cathedral and walk with a guide through the territory of the oldest monastery in the city - the Transfiguration of the Savior.

    Free time.

    Dinner. Return to hotel.

    Day 6 Rostov the Great


    Departure to Rostov the Great.

    Rostov the Great is the most ancient city of the Golden Ring, which is located on the shore of the picturesque lake Nero. The first mentions come from the year 862. Here reigned the great princes Yaroslav the Wise, Yuri Dolgoruky, holy Prince Boris. Excursion in Rostov the Great with a visit to the visiting card of the city – the Rostov Kremlin, built in the 17th century. The ensemble of the Rostov Kremlin with the Assumption Cathedral in its original purpose was the residence of the bishops of the Rostov-Yaroslavl diocese. Therefore, in antiquity, it was called the bishop or metropolitan court.

    During the tour you will walk through the transitions in the walls of the Kremlin, admire the panorama of Lake Nero, see the interiors of the Resurrection, John the Divine and the Savior in the hallway, and also visit the Museum of Church Antiquities in the White Chamber.

    Lunch in the restaurant of the Kremlin.


    Transfer to Pereslavl-Zalesskiy.

    It was founded by Yury Dolgoruky in the 12th century and served as a fortress guarding state borders. And today in Pereyaslavl you can admire the ruins of defenses, powerful ramparts, a walk along which will bring real pleasure to lovers of antiquities. Most often, travelers go to see the Museum, where samples of old steam locomotives, Plescheevo Lake, Nikolsky Monastery, Russian Parzh, Sin-Kamen, Transfiguration Cathedral are presented.

    Sightseeing tour of Pereslavl Zalessky – Red Square, earthworks, Alexander Nevsky Church, Nikitsky Monastery, Goritsky Monastery.

    Initially, the monastery buildings were wooden, and only after the monastery was rebuilt in stone. According to the legend, the husband of Dmitry Donskoy Evdokia disappeared from the persecution of Khan Tokhtamysh in the walls of the Goritsky cloister, after which her convent destroyed by an invasion was restored by her harmony.

    Currently, the Pereslavl Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve is located on the territory of the Assumption Goritsky Monastery. In addition to permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions are also held here. Of the permanent exhibitions, it is worth mentioning in particular the “Silver Storeroom” and “The Wreath of Manors”, as well as Old Russian and Russian painting and sculpture. In the building of the Assumption Cathedral you can see a stunning carved iconostasis in the Baroque style, which, despite the long desolation, perfectly preserved, as well as lush stucco and picturesque panels. Be sure to climb the observation platform equipped in the bell tower of the cathedral – you will not find the best view of Pereslavl-Zalessky.

    Hotel accommodation.


    Day 7 Alexandrov

    Breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

    Departure to Alexandrov.

    Group arrival in Alexandrov. A sightseeing tour of Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda - the residence of the first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, with his mind in blood, force and words that created a single Russian state.

    Acquaintance with the architecture of the Kremlin, the exposition "Gosudarev court in Aleksandrovskaya sloboda", the home church and palace chambers of Tsar Ivan IV, the exposition "Treasures of three centuries".



    Departure to Sergiev Posad.

    Sergiev Posad is a city founded in the 15th century, whose history is inseparably linked with the name of the Russian saint Sergey Radonezhsky and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the largest Russian Orthodox monastery.

    Sightseeing tour of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra with a visit to the Assumption and Trinity Cathedrals. You will see the white-stone Trinity Cathedral – a masterpiece of Russian architecture, the oldest of the buildings on the territory of the monastery. The ancient iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral saves the icons of the letter of Andrei Rublev. Marvel at the greatness of the Assumption Cathedral, created at the behest of Ivan the Terrible and on the model of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Visit the temple in honor of St. Sergius with one of the most beautiful carved iconostasis of Russia and the refectory chamber.

    Departure to Moscow.

    Dinner in the city restaurant.

    Hotel accommodation.

    Day 8 Moscow


    Excursion to the Kremlin, the territory and the Cathedrals (UNESCO World Heritage Site). Armouries.


    After Lunch Bus City tour. In this tour you will see the ancient streets, squares and boulevards of the Capital, the Bolshoi Theater, the Kremlin and Red Square, the magnificent and majestic Christ the Savior Cathedral enjoy panoramic views of the city from the observation platform of Sparrow Hills, Novodevichy Convent, walk through the Victory Park.


    Airport transfer.

    Return flight.

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