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The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin (XII century)

The construction of the first Cathedral dates back to the XII century, during the reign of Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. Since then, the Church of the Nativity of the virgin in Suzdal was rebuilt several times: for the first time in 1148, when the structure of thin brick, pinpas, Church of the Nativity of the Virginwas rebuilt with rubble stone, then in 1222, then the temple was dilapidated, in 1445 the whole city was burned by the Tatars, and in 1528 put new brick walls. Today in the Cathedral you can find paintings relating to the XIII, XV, XVII centuries.

In the XIII century, the temple was considered the most majestic and beautiful in the settlement, towering over the houses. His impressive exterior, he expressed the power of Vladimir-Suzdal princes. In this place are buried the sons of Yuri Dolgoruky. Since 1992, the temple is part of the UNESCO world heritage Fund and is located on the territory of the Suzdal Kremlin. But, from the time of construction to our times the structure has come much changed.

Architectural form

The lower tier has been preserved since the XIII century, today the structure is capitals decorated with ornamental reliefs, strict arcature belt, and all this is done in white stone. The altar part is strongly elongated, which significantly lengthened the Cathedral in the longitudinal axis-the eight-column Cathedral. Pilasters, dissecting the plane of buildings, greatly simplified in the temple, presented in the form of ordinary blades.


Interior of Church of the Nativity of the VirginMost of the floor is covered with tinted tiles of burnt waste faience. The base of the wall in the outbuildings at the entrance and the temple was decorated arched niches with a semicircular end is arcosolia of the tombs of the Ministers of higher degrees of the priesthood and princely families. Over part of them since 1233 remained ornamental painting. The faces of the elders, seen in the southern vault, were made by the masters of Bishop Cyril in the XIII century, parts of this painting are found in other rooms. The Northern vault is decorated with the theme of the glorification of the virgin-a fresco Dating back to the XVII century.


Burials at the Cathedral begin at the entrance gate. Here, on the right side, under the white stone slab buried in 1557 Feodor Ivanovich Skopin-Shuisky, originating from the glorious princely family. Nearby is the grave of his son, who defended Suzdal from the troops of Stefan Batory. Along the Western wall of the buried shuiskys – relatives of the king. In the North wall of the walled body of the princes of the Golden gateNail-Suzdal. The first burials in the Church of the Nativity of the virgin belong to the children of Yuri Dolgoruky, who defended Pereyaslavl and Kiev.

Golden gate

Visitors are greeted by the gate, made in the technique of burnt gold. Copper was taken as a basis, in which the letters were embossed. Suzdal has long been famous for its ornaments, the gates are decorated with griffins and lions, generating a special mystery, enveloping legends. But, the ornamental composition illuminating life of Jesus Christ and the mother of God prevails. The artists made a special emphasis on the acts of the Apostle Michael – the patron Saint of princes.

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