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Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 7pm

Holy Bogolyubsky monastery

Vladimir region keeps the memory of customs and spiritual culture. ancient Russia. Travelers go to the subject to enjoy the leisurely pace of life, green parks and religious shrines of the Orthodox faith.

Bogolyubovo village: the history of the monastery

Bogolyubsky monasteryPalace of Andrei Bogolyubov, Grand Duke, son of Yuri Dolgorukov, against the background of the surrounding nature stood out splendor and elegance. The place became notorious: the owner was killed by political opponents in his own house. The structure liberated as a result of the crime was used as a monastery where male novices lived.

With the advent of Soviet power, the monastery was dissolved, the building was used by several organizations: hospital, post office, warehouse, police. Monastic life returned to the Palace walls in 1997. 60 sisters came to revive and take care of the religious structure.

The internal and external decoration of the monastery was restored, steam heating was carried out, household buildings were built, an orchard was planted. In the back wall of the Shrine: the cross and icons. In the Cathedral, hung chandeliers, the mass center of them 2 tons. A Holy spring completed with a chapel and baptismal fonts. Services are held in the Church, novices and guests are welcomed.

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