Currency exchange rate company 31.03.2025
1 USD = 88,1103 RUB
1 EUR = 95,1618 RUB
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 7pm

About us

Group of companies TSTours (Trans-Show Tour) & China Travel Russia Co. Ltd was set up in 1995 as both outbound operator and DMC.

With the experience of almost 30 years of operation we have been always maintaining an adequate level of services for our valued clients and partners.

We are ready to offer to our foreign partners and guests a wide range of the travel itineraries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Sochi, Golden Ring cities, in Siberia and Kamchatka, Far Eastern and Northern parts of Russian Federation and also the combinations with other countries such as former USSR republics: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Kirgystan; with extentions to Baltic Sea states: Latvia, Lithuvinia and Estonia as well as Eastern European countries Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic.

Companies are registered with Russian Government Committee for tourism (TSTours – PTO 010381, China Travel – PTO 000126).

IATA member, member of Moscow Chamber of Trade and Commerce, official partner of the HKTDC Moscow office (Hong Kong Trade development Council), tourism association ‘World without Borders’ member, co-founder and partner of the Russia-China Club.



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