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Khiva is a city in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan.

Khiva was known in antiquity as Khorasmius, later it was called Khvarezm - Khorezm. The centuries-old history of Khiva is inextricably linked with the fate of Khorezm.

Khiva is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia, located in the southern part of the Khorezm oasis. From the south, the sand dunes of the Karakum desert rise to this ancient Uzbek land, and the sandy kingdom Kyzylkum surrounds the northeast.

Khiva is mentioned for the first time in the 10th century like a small town. For a long time it was one of the main centers on the Great Silk Road.

Khiva SightsKhiva can be deservedly called the city-museum under the open sky.

Khiva was first mentioned in written sources of the 10th century. as a small town located on the caravan road between Merv and Urgench (modern Kunya-Urgench). This advantageous position makes Khiva a significant trading center. It is particularly important in the XVIII century, when it became the capital of Khorezm (Khiva khanate). However, already in the XVIII century feudal fragmentation, dynastic troubles, enmity with neighboring tribes and states weakened the country. And only at the beginning of the 19th century, after the establishment of the Kungrat dynasty, Khiva was formed as a significant cultural center.

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